Pastor Harold Vanicek
Pastor Harold loves wondering about faith and life, and exploring with others how all thing are connected and interdependent. He feels most in sync with God when dwelling and delighting outdoors with creation. Science is his first love language of, and with, God. Pastor Harold loves helping nurture community where ALL are welcome, where ALL can be curious, and where ALL are affirmed as God’s beloved children.
Pastor Harold grew up in the small Central Texas town of Rosebud. He has a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Master’s of Divinity from Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. He has been a pastor at St. Peter’s since 2013. Before coming here, he served in congregations in Fredericksburg, Texas and in Arkansas. As part of his passion for creation care, Pastor Harold is active in Lutherans Restoring Creation, an organization that resources and inspires climate and creation care for Lutherans and people of all faiths. He is also a beekeeper, and loves talking bees with anyone who is interested! Pastor Harold is married to Deborah, who loves sharing her gift of music through accompanying in worship. They have two children, Virginia and Henry. Pastor Harold likes to hang out with family and friends, putter around in the garage, stargaze, watch movies, care for creation, watch college football, and is holds out hope to be selected as the first pastro-naut! To contact Pastor Vanicek, CLICK HERE |