St. Peter's has Sunday school for adults at 9:30am on Sundays. Classes are a mix of learning and discussion as we grow in faith together. Topics come from the scripture readings for the day, or maybe a special church season topic during Advent, Lent, Easter, or during the summer. Children are offered a faith-formation opportunity in our children's breakout session that happens during worship.
Mom’s Small Group
“Start Here” is a small group that supports moms, forms them as disciples, and equips them to be faith leaders at home. The content rotates between Bible, book, and parenting studies, and the group meets on Thursdays from 8:45-10:0 a.m. in the narthex. Breakfast is provided and the nursery is available for young children. Led by Pastor Lisa.
A second mom's group meets monthly after the late worship service. Lunch will be served.
Prayer Ministry Team
St. Peter’s Prayer Ministry is an intercessory prayer group. This group prays not only for the church prayer list, but also prays for additional requests and concerns that are confidential. Members of the Prayer Ministry Team receive information by email weekly and pray individually when it is convenient for them. If you have prayer concerns or requests and/or if you feel called to be part of this important ministry, contact Janette C. through the church office (830-693-2253 / On January 29, 2023, Christine Veres gave a Ministry Moment in worship on the Prayer Ministry Team. CLICK HERE to listen to her share her experience of being on the team as well as the power of prayer in her life.
Snip-Its Quilt Group
The Snip-Its Quilt Group provides handmade quilts for the global ministry of Lutheran World Relief ( Quilts are stitched year-round and collected once a year at nationally organized events called “Ingatherings.” Our goal is a minimum of 100 quilts annually, and we meet on the third and fifth Tuesdays of the month from 9:00-12:00 p.m. in the 'Quilting Rooms' in the Treehouse. We welcome new stitchers and 'knot-tiers'!!! Organized by Judy M. For an in-depth look at the ministry CLICK HERE.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Do you love to knit or crochet or want to learn? The Prayer Shawl Ministry provides handmade wraps to bring God’s love, comfort, and peace to those in need. In other words, the shawls provide “hugs” from God. It meets once a month at the church. Organized by Audrey G.
The Green Team
This team helps our congregation care for creation by organizing a recycling drive, trash pick-up, caring for church grounds, planning for guest speakers, special projects, etc. Join us in nurturing our relationship with God and others through caring for creation. Contact Tracy K. through the church office (830-693-2253 / for more information.