The RESPONDING TO GOD FUND is for empowering all ages of our St. Peter's congregation to join God in real-time responses in being love for the world.
We believe God invites us into God’s vision and hope for the world, called the kingdom of God. Like Moses, Samuel, Paul, Timothy, and people across scripture, we feel or hear a calling to put faith in action, but due to lack of resources, encouragement, or age we sometimes hesitate to take a BOLD step toward a vision God has placed on our heart.
If God has placed an idea or vision on your heart to BOLDLY live and share God's grace with all, this fund is for you! If you have been thinking recently... "if me and a few others only had some seed money, we could help share God's love by...", this fund is for you! This fund is not intended to fund current and ongoing ministries of the congregation.
We are currently taking applications during our initial OPEN APPLICATION WINDOW from July 14 - August 11, 2024. Use the form below to fill out an application for funds from the Responding To God Fund. The week after August 11, a team of congregation members will read, evaluate, and recommend to council project to fund.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
- Together, BOLDLY living and sharing God's grace with all.
- Jesus is Lord and Savior
- Everyone is welcome
- God frees us to change and grow
- Each of us has gifts for sharing
- All people need God's love
- Worship / Learn / Connect / Serve
This fund is made possible by the giving surplus from 2023. In June, 2024, St. Peter's congregation approved $12,000 to kick-start this way of empowering the congregation in partnering with God's Spirit. Since then, individuals have contributed an additional $2,500 to this fund for sparking mission and outreach. If you would like to contribute to this fund, contact Pastor Harold. If you and others would like to apply for funding, use the application form below.